We saw this online and thought it was worth sharing as there are some important messages in this excellent monologue. It explains why you should never slate a farmer with your mouth full! #BackBritishFarmers
‘So as we carry on farming through this difficult time, worrying about both our health and the economy here are some true words of wisdom.
– A teacher at school that said upon asking me what I would like to do career wise. I should “aim a little higher” than agriculture
– Vegan activists who thought they would slander farmers, use false information and false facts. Then actively discourage people from buying local and supporting a farmer forcing their views on to other people
– People that go around thieving after dark as they believe our tools and diesel are worth more than their dignity
– Those too lazy to go to a bin so they throw their rubbish from their car window into the fields. We end up damaging our mowers/wasting our time picking it all up
– Also those lazy people that decide to fly tip in the gate ways and drives. Thus preventing a farmer from entering his own land
– Youths that decide to burn down straw stacks worth thousands of pounds after harvest “just for a laugh”
– Angry car drivers that always swear at you AFTER you’ve pulled over for them. Plus the one who swears at you for absolutely no reason
– Anyone who will condemn a farmer for using chemicals to look after his crop to make just enough of a profit to get by and also provide enough yield to feed the nation
– Those who moan continuously about us working late in to the night to beat the rain
– The few at school who looked down on our small minority and laughed at us when we went off to agricultural college
– All too often people look you up and down because our shirts have holes in and more times than not are covered in grease and oil, looking like we’ve ploughed 100 acre by hand
– Those “healthy eaters” who criticised potatoes to death and said how we should be eating pasta instead but who is now searching for a bag of potatoes from a farmer because there’s no more pasta left
All of you, I really hope we farmers can be of service to you through this very difficult time, whether it be through supplying you with potatoes, onions, milk, meat, eggs, etc. You may not think much to us but unfortunately, we’re now all you’ve got.
Never slate a farmer with your mouth full!
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