It has been a while since we last gave an update on the Packham case. We have been very busy in the background with fundraising efforts and want to sincerely thank You who have already donated.
The case has moved on considerably since we were last in touch with you. The Defences and Responses have been filed at court which are now available for the public to view.
A very informative and revealing summary of the case has now been published which can be accessed on the main Crowd Justice site here in the case updates section ‘The Packham 3’ Defamation Defence Against Chris Packham (
We hope now you have access to the detail of the case; you can see the strength of the defence’s case, the nature of the crowdfunding campaign that is at the heart of this case and the shameless arrogance he demonstrates, thinking he is somehow above the law and that all critics are ‘trolls’.
This is the greatest opportunity the Countryside has had yet – of damaging Mr Packham and puncturing his anti-countryside campaigns. Mr Packham and his cohorts are one of the greatest threats to all sectors in the countryside, from farming, shooting, land ownership, conservation, and countryside pursuits. By taking Mr Packham out of the Countryside debate there will be a huge hole left in the anti-countryside campaigns. The Hunt Sabs, Animal Rights lobby and those promoting a vegan way of life in the UK will lose a big voice. Mr Packham’s BBC future and the future of his campaigns hang on this case. A win for the Packham 3 would put an end to his platform – he would stand accused of defrauding the British Public, which is a very serious allegation indeed.
Mr Packham has the advantage to bring this case on a no fee no win basis through his lawyers Leigh Day. This is not surprising due to the revenue they are getting through the various cases Wild Justice have put their way.
The Packham 3 don’t have that option, yet have been courageous enough to continue to step into the line of fire – to defend this case and not back down. Fully aware of the risk, they could stand to lose their homes as the costs could exceed a million pounds. They however genuinely believe they have told the truth and are willing to defend the truth of their claims.
They have hired the very best defamation experts. A brilliant QC and solicitor – eye-wateringly expensive but brilliant all the same.
We urge you now to please back this case – get to know the arguments and feel free to ask questions – and make sure we get this case fully funded prior to the case taking place which we think will be sometime at the beginning of 2023. The date is still to be confirmed.
It is imperative people donate as soon as they can. The Lawyers have already done a considerable amount of work to date and are now asking for incremental payments leading up to the start of the case. They are a top team, and we feel very strongly that they are one of the best legal teams to defend the case. Here is the barrister Gervase De Wilde’s profile Gervase de Wilde > Chambers of Adrienne Page QC and Justin Rushbrooke QC > London > England | Lawyer Profile ( .
There is an alternative payment option available to use. You can now make a payment directly to the Lawyers’ Client Account. This is a way we can get the full payment directly to the lawyers without having to pay the Crowd Funding Platform’s charges – this is especially important for the larger donations. If you would like to know more, please use the contact Contact – Countryside Fightback and all messages with be passed onto us.
‘If you ride a horse (whether or not to hounds), farm livestock, show your livestock in agricultural shows, keep pigs or poultry, shoot in any capacity, go fly fishing, coarse or sea fishing, are dependent upon the wider rural community for your business or recreation, if you build drystone walls or lay hedgerows or plant trees, in fact if you undertake just about any form of management of the countryside, then this case is not just about tigers. It is about you too.’
Thank you in advance for your continued support.
The Packham 3 Fundraising Team
‘The Packham 3’ Defamation Defence Against Chris Packham (
I really wish BASC/CA/NFU and the other organisations that represent country peoples interests would give a donation ( say £1 per member ) .
For want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost,for want of a horse the battle was lost ,get behind this people and support the Packham 3 it’s the best chance we have of turning the tide in our favour and driving that nail well and truly home