Memories of Africa

A Guest Blog I came across some old photos in a folder, memories of Africa, and it got me reminiscing. I lived in Botswana for a couple of years. It was a bit of an adventure and a chance to see some of Africa’s most pristine conservation environments. I was lucky enough to drive up …

Hounds Magazine Article

We were approached by Hounds Magazine September | 2022 | Hounds Magazine ( to commission an article for them to publish, to show support for the Packham 3 Fundraiser. On behalf of the Packham 3 Fundraising Team, we would like to thank the Editorial Team at the Magazine for their support. And, of course, thanks …


A guest blog on should people be fighting for hunting. November 18th, 2004 was the day the Hunting Act was passed in Parliament by the then Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Government. It will be a day I will always remember for the wrong reasons. The hunting world was in complete shock and soon …

Is The Future of Shooting in Wales Safe?

The future of shooting in Wales is a constant topic that features in any conversation on shoot days, club meetings and having a pint in your local amongst field sports men and women. I have therefore decided to put pen to paper on this matter. In recent weeks our Wildfowling Club has had its crown …

Hunting With Dogs Bill in Scotland

Today is the last day to submit your views on the Scottish Parliament’s proposed Hunting with Dogs Bill. Below is an article with a view point on the proposed bill from The Aldenham Press website. An interesting read indeed. The link below is where people can submit their views. Closing date for Submissions is Today …


What are the benefits of hunting in the broader sense, rather than those emotive areas that attract the most attention at home and abroad. How can we better promote the benefits of hunting, particularly when done properly i.e. ethical and sustainable practices? Advantages/disadvantages? How do we take into account the rights and welfare of local …