A guest blog on should people be fighting for hunting.

November 18th, 2004 was the day the Hunting Act was passed in Parliament by the then Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Government. It will be a day I will always remember for the wrong reasons. The hunting world was in complete shock and soon after that, the Act came into force on February 18th, 2005.

That day every hunt up and down the country came out in solidarity, to stand shoulder to shoulder, to show the world we didn’t intend the ban to be an easy one. Nor were we prepared to just walk away from our way of life. Grown men were in tears as hunts met at 7am and hunted until 7pm when the ‘gone home’ horn was finally blown.

Where are we now?

Fast forward 17 years and we are still here, although sadly some hunts have succumbed. Some due to high financial costs, or lack of hunting ground. The Government, and others, are hell bent on putting a house on every inch of countryside until we become a concrete country. No thoughts for landowners and farmers there then.

Rightfully or wrongfully, especially after the false allegations against Mark Hankinson, there is now an even stronger reason to protect your rights, heritage, and history. But more importantly, the long lifeline of your hounds. Hunting needs to be more transparent to show the non-believers that we do, and will, follow the hunting act. But then, why should we?

Why should the snowflakes, townies, and those who have no idea about hunting, dictate to you how you should go about your daily life? Why should they tell you that you cannot continue your lifestyle just because they have no idea how it works?

Who the Hell do they think they are?

Hunting has been a way of life since the caveman. Why should farmers and landowners be told you cannot manage the vermin on your land because the snowflakes, have no understanding of the reasons they do this? Not forgetting, it’s old fashioned and outdated, supposedly. The distraction and financial loss are outstanding if you do not manage the countryside against vermin.

Let’s not delude ourselves, thinking that if we bend to the will of activists that will be the end of it. It will not. Activists like Chris Packham, saboteurs, the League Against Cruel Sports and now Animal Rebellion, have more in their sights. Fishing will be next, then shooting, plus farming as we know it along with farm animals. Why? Because it’s the burping cows that are killing our planet, supposedly.

Chris Packham has recently released a video of himself promoting the work of Animal Rebellion. They recently poured milk across the floors of Harrods and caused mass disruption in London just weeks ago, with no concern about people’s welfare or livelihoods. I can’t bring myself to talk about his video anymore, but the time has come for us to focus on the BBC for employing an activist that lives his life by fuelling aggressive demonstrations with his lies, propaganda, and lack of knowledge.

Non-peaceful protesting is growing at a fast pace during the hunting season, but we tend to turn a blind eye. Typical stiff upper lip British people, such as we are, should never be swayed by violence and thuggish behaviour. Behaviour directed at us by the likes of Packham and saboteurs,

The big question is, how far and how long are you prepared to let this go?

If we don’t start to fight back NOW, we will lose it forever. The choice, as they say, is in your hands. We must fight fire with fire, we don’t need hangers-on or fence-sitters. We must expose these people for what they are. They are determined to take our rights and freedom away, take our livestock and livelihoods away from us.

Many snowflakes have no idea what happens on a hunt. My usual question to them is, ‘When you go out hunting, how many times have you seen a fox ripped to bits or shredded?’. Their answer to this is ‘Oh, I never go hunting ‘. End of conversation.

What makes my blood boil is that Tony Blair, in his autobiography, said the hunting ban was one of his biggest mistakes of his premiership. This was the result of a private bet he had with Prince Charles.

Why not overturn the Hunting Act?

How come the act cannot be overturned? Why are PMs not overturning the act when in power? David Cameron, Teresa May said they would. So did Boris Johnson, but then he is married to an activist.

Are you prepared to fight for your rights, your livelihood? Will you come out once again and stand shoulder to shoulder? The answer should be a resounding YES.

Dom Wightman, editor of the Country Squire Magazine, along with two of his colleagues, are fighting for what you believe in. They are defending themselves against a defamation case Chris Packham has brought against them through a civil court action. This must be the greatest opportunity to expose him and his dishonesty, to stop him spewing such propaganda and to rid of him from the BBC.

They cannot do this alone.

The date for the court hearing has been set for May 2023.



We can only win this and carry on if those of you who are true to yourself stand up to be counted. Stand up for your beliefs, your rights, your livelihood, your countryside, and fight for it. Are you loyal enough to see this through, to fight and support the Packham 3? You can, by donating to, and sharing, their good cause. You really need to have a serious think about your actions or non-actions to save our history and way of life 

Sir Winston Churchill once said, “CARRY ON HUNTING”

So, if it’s all the same with you lot, I don’t mind if I do.

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    1. Andrew sharing the fundraising links is just as effective so don’t worry you are unable to donate as we know how difficult it is at the moment. Moral support is equally appreciated.

  1. I’ve already donated and sadly can’t afford more ? but if everyone who hunts, fishes, stalks shoots etc. pitched in a pound or two they’d have more than enough to fight the buggers!!

  2. Sorry can’t donate money on low income help any other way I can I’m sick to death how worlds going and yes shooting fishing will be next unless we fight I foot follow hunts I shoot and fish own 2 ratting terriers and a lurcher all at risk in packhams sights I work with racing greyhounds also at risk we have protesters almost every Saturday enough is enough

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