A Guest Blog I came across some old photos in a folder, memories of Africa, and it got me reminiscing. I lived in Botswana for a couple of years. It was a bit of an adventure and a chance to see some of Africa’s most pristine conservation environments. I was lucky enough to drive up …
Category archives: Daily Blogs
Consultation on the Removal of Lead from Ammunition
Removal of lead from ammunition, a Guest Blog by Clovis Pagewood. DEFRA have asked the UK chemicals agency REACH to provide a consultation document focussed on the removal of lead from ammunition. This consultation ends its public phase on November 6th. The Consultation document is huge, some 500+ pages, containing virtually no supporting scientific evidence. …
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Contemplation and Belief for Fieldsports
We want all fieldsports to continue, a guest blog below calling for action. The Grouse Shooting season is well underway. The start of the Game Shooting season is a great celebration of the British Countryside and its Uplands. It supports thousands of people’s jobs, homes, futures, businesses and their economic successes. There is a darker …
A guest blog on should people be fighting for hunting. November 18th, 2004 was the day the Hunting Act was passed in Parliament by the then Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Government. It will be a day I will always remember for the wrong reasons. The hunting world was in complete shock and soon …
A Crossroads and a Call for Your Help.
I know what you’re thinking, this is another post trying to separate you from your hard-earned money. You’re right, it is, and I am not ashamed to say so. This is an important fight, not only for The Packham 3, but for us all. It is one we MUST win. Is The Packham 3 Case …
Is The Future of Shooting in Wales Safe?
The future of shooting in Wales is a constant topic that features in any conversation on shoot days, club meetings and having a pint in your local amongst field sports men and women. I have therefore decided to put pen to paper on this matter. In recent weeks our Wildfowling Club has had its crown …
Another Point of View
We have received this commentary which we thought would be worth sharing. Thank you to the author for allowing us to publish this in support of a rural fightback. ‘I keep coming back to a simple but controversial issue: this is our culture, our lifestyle for generations. We’re repeatedly hearing minorities being given rights and …
Right to Roam Bill 2022
The Right to Roam Bill, championed by Caroline Lucas, is currently on its second reading in the House of Commons. More properly described as an extension to the Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000 (Amendment) Bill. It is causing concern in many areas so what, exactly, is it? It is difficult to find any …
‘Never slate a farmer with your mouth full!’
We saw this online and thought it was worth sharing as there are some important messages in this excellent monologue. It explains why you should never slate a farmer with your mouth full! #BackBritishFarmers ‘So as we carry on farming through this difficult time, worrying about both our health and the economy here are some …
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Why should people support the Packham 3 Fundraiser?
You are all aware of Wild Justice. Theirs is a well-funded war of attrition, and you can be sure their future actions will have a significant impact on the countryside. This will be throughout the entire spectrum of country activities including farming, fishing, hunting, stalking and shooting.Here is an interesting article which shows the impacts …
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