Why should people support the Packham 3 Fundraiser?

You are all aware of Wild Justice. Theirs is a well-funded war of attrition, and you can be sure their future actions will have a significant impact on the countryside. This will be throughout the entire spectrum of country activities including farming, fishing, hunting, stalking and shooting.Here is an interesting article which shows the impacts that have resulted in their legal challenges on the General Licences across the UK.


As you can see it has caused so much disruption and damage to Wildlife and people’s livelihoods.

Quote from this article. ‘He sees the need to infiltrate and influence, to stop fighting and look for fair and effective compromise both in terms of conservation and wholesale care of the environment’.


What we feel is that he and Wild Justice intend to infiltrate and influence by negotiating “compromise’ on their own terms and not anyone else’s. They will not stop until people fightback.

For this reason, it is imperative that their activities be presented with every possible hurdle and the case of the Packham 3 is expected to be a milestone on the rural fightback to regain the strength to promote the great work these groups contribute towards sustainable, ethical, lawful shooting, hunting and extensive conservation efforts across the U.K and also importantly secure people’s livelihoods.

Please support and share it as much as you can as we are firmly behind The Packham 3.

Thank you

The Packham 3 Fundraising Team

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  1. Restrictions on the freedom of speech are being demanded by Wild Justice and it’s associated members. Such litigious, publicity seeking activities need to stop. Truth cannot be represented without balanced input, but – for this can happen – they need to stop rabble-rousing and misrepresenting countryside matters via their lop-sided use of the press and attempting to gag the views of others.

    The Packham 3’s on-going legal defence seeks the continued ability to seek and put forward the truth via balanced reporting of the facts surrounding rural matters. Such reporting can make a very real difference to the way agriculture, rural pursuits, their professionals and participants are truthfully and accurately portrayed by the press, it’s journalists, researchers and contributors.

    Wild Justice habitually insist upon demanding compromise with one hand, then head to court at every given opportunity with resulting delays leading to unsaid losses to flora and fauna within our countryside due to their actions. Such actions are also guilty eliciting illegal activities from some, such as targeted vandalism, obstruction, armed trespass, threatening/violent behaviour and intimidation as witnessed and experienced by many. The aforesaid conduct must stop.

    Wild Justice repeatedly demand a need for scientific proof in spite of longstanding & ongoing science based wildlife research. Let facts speak for themselves and allow common sense to prevail before Wild Justice drive aside the truth of the situation and leave us with the consequences of their actions. A countryside bereft of agriculture, outdoor pursuits and a sustainable population of wildlife through adequate conservation.

  2. Wild Justice, et-al claim that they speak for the Countryside, and the simple fact is that they don’t. careful and thorough investigation will reveal that W-J and RP-UK and the others all stand under the jointly supported umbrella of REVIVE and The Common Weal and despite their claims to the contrary, they have no interest in wildlife management, or our environment.
    As Adolf Hitler proposed in his masses-management handbook Mein Kampf, the way to control the masses is to control their freedoms and their assumed Rights and our modern day and unelectable Socialist movements are now attempting – and to a degree achieving, authority through legislation.

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