Why should people support the Packham 3 Fundraiser?

You are all aware of Wild Justice. Theirs is a well-funded war of attrition, and you can be sure their future actions will have a significant impact on the countryside. This will be throughout the entire spectrum of country activities including farming, fishing, hunting, stalking and shooting.Here is an interesting article which shows the impacts …

Have you been SLAPPed ?

Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation are an increasing problem in defamation law. In his Foreword to the government consultation – which is here – Dominic Raab defines SLAPPs as: “SLAPPs can be characterised as an abuse of the legal process, where the primary objective is to harass, intimidate and financially and psychologically exhaust one’s opponent …


What do people feel about current lobbying groups? Are they representing your views? If not, why not? What would you like a lobbying group to do to better represent your community and areas of interest such as shooting, farming, fishing, conservation and detrimental actions of activists, both online and on the ground? For example, who …