The Packham 3 Summary of Outcome of Case Management Conference

Interesting developments on the case which the Packham 3 Fundraising Team have just sent through to us. It gives the main points and a summary of the Case Management Conference held on the 30th of June. It also mentions releasing further updates as the case progresses over the next few weeks.

Summary of Outcome of Case Management Conference

On Thursday 30th June 2022 there was a case management conference for our case attended by our barrister. Packham’s side saw fit to send five lawyers, including two junior barristers, for the hearing which began at 1030 a.m. Following a slightly extended break over lunch, it finally finished just before 1800.

The morning dealt with the question of whether the parties should be allowed to call experts to address certain aspects of the case. While the afternoon dealt with the cost’s budgets, including the proportionality of Packham’s half a million-pound budget.

Next Steps

The Master has now made Directions for the next steps in the action, and we were pleased with the outcome of the hearing. The headline points arising from the case management conference are:

  1. Packham did not want there to be expert evidence on any of the key issues in the case, which have developed in our Defence and his Reply. Despite his protests, the Court granted permission for us to use three experts. The basis includes us serving further particulars of our case along with our expert evidence, after which Packham will serve his own particulars and expert evidence. This will have to take place by the end of September 2022. Our experts will address three issues. Firstly, an analysis of Packham’s handwriting to test our allegation that he faked his own death threat letter. Secondly, to look at the scientific evidence as to whether keeping big cats in the circus is inherently cruel. And thirdly, evidence relating to whether muirburns (which are used to maintain grouse moors) result in the burning of peat. In relation to the second and third issues, we will also give details of our case about Packham’s alleged knowledge of these issues.
  2. The trial is going to take place between 1 May and 31 July 2023, so we won’t be rushed into a trial immediately after Christmas as Packham wanted. We were sad to hear that this will potentially interfere with Packham’s filming commitments. He argued this justified an early trial. However, this timescale gives us the opportunity to gather support for our case, and funds.


  1. The Court made an adverse comment on the costs of Packham issuing and pleading his case. These were part of the £160k in costs that he incurred before the Court could exercise any kind of control over them. The court ruled these were “distinctly high” and that a costs judge should consider any explanation given in relation to them very carefully.
  2. The Court also ruled that Packham should not be instructing two barristers and adjusted his costs accordingly, although his costs remain intimidatingly high, and are at levels which his own barrister (in another case) called “life-changing”.

The Case continues

The case continues. We shall update you as and when there are further developments. We will also go public with the further particulars of our case (mentioned in 1. above) as soon as we can. Thank you very much indeed for your support so far. Let’s keep the donations coming.

Kindest regards.

The Packham 3 Fundraising Team

Link to the update

CrowdJustice: The world’s crowdfunding platform for legal action

Heads Up!

The Countryside: Kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Have you ever wondered why things that are so clearly detrimental to rural life are implemented regardless? Do you ever feel you are kept in the dark and fed bullshit? I know I do. Consequently, I decided to look a little deeper into how these things work.

Imagine, if you will, the hypothetical case where so-called progressive politicians want to stop people shooting cute little bunny rabbits and putting them into pies for the enjoyment of ‘savage’ rural people who have been happily doing this for generations. Another case of ‘Disneyfication’ of the countryside.

Imposing change

Now, as a government, you could simply impose this change, akin to the recent actions of the Dutch government working against its own farming community recently. That, however, could reasonably be expected to be met with outrage, much as the Dutch government’s actions have done. You won’t, of course, see much about that on the news in the UK.

I know, what about having a ‘Public Consultation’? That should put a stop to any objections, especially if we could secure a high proportion of respondents agreeing with the proposal. Something like an overwhelming 84% agreement seems like a nice round figure.

The problem with this, of course, is there’s a chance that we won’t get the results we want.

Public Consultation

I know what can be done, if the ‘Public Consultation’ were to be overwhelmed in some way by those in favour then we could point to the numbers and simply shrug saying the public agrees with this course of action and simply ‘rubber stamp’ the changes.

Typically, these take the form of a survey via a simple questionnaire and can be open to a much wider audience than those directly affected. Often, the only identification needed is a name, email address and postcode. Not that the postcode matters terribly much, it’s easy to get hold of a relevant postcode.

I can hear detractors even now shouting, ‘Nonsense, this is no more than a conspiracy theory.’ Is it?

Let me draw your attention now to a real situation, playing out as I write this. That of the ‘Public Consultation’ by the government of Northern Ireland in respect of changes to General Licences for the control of wild birds. It’s similar to the recent case in England that was triggered by Wild Justice. Wild Justice also have a vested interest in Northern Ireland.

Getting the ‘correct’ answers

In a recent mailing sent out by Wild Justice to its membership their ‘desirable’ answers are helpfully provided. This allows their acolytes to respond in the ‘correct’ way thus skewing the ‘Public Consultation’ in their favour. Here’s an example:

Q6-17   General Licence TPG1 – preserving public health or safety.

These 12 questions relate to 12 species of bird and ask whether each should be included on this general licence. The answer for each, we suggest, is NO. [Feral Pigeon is the only species listed on the equivalent licences for Scotland and Wales, Feral Pigeon and Jackdaw are listed for the England equivalent licence. Northern Ireland is suggesting removing 3 gull species, Rook and Wood Pigeon from the  licence but we believe that House Sparrow, Starling, Hooded Crow, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw and Magpie, as well as Feral Pigeon, should also be removed].

So please tick the box NO for every species and, if minded to, add the following words in the boxes for the following species:

Feral Pigeon ‘An individual licence could be issued if there were a good enough case.‘  

All other 11 species ‘An individual licence could be issued if there were a good enough case. General licences for this species for this purpose do not exist anywhere else in the UK.

In fact, the entire questionnaire is covered and ‘model’ answers are provided for each set of questions.

Did you complete the survey?

Now, I would not be so arrogant as to suggest how you should answer any of the questions. However, I would urge you to take the time to complete the questionnaire using your own practical experience gained from working and/or living in the countryside. I completed the survey in about 15 minutes.

To not do so is one of the main reasons we in the countryside lose out so badly. Time after depressing time. The Northern Ireland public consultation, closing date 21st July 2022, can be found here.

Right to Roam Bill 2022

The Right to Roam Bill, championed by Caroline Lucas, is currently on its second reading in the House of Commons. More properly described as an extension to the Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000 (Amendment) Bill. It is causing concern in many areas so what, exactly, is it?

It is difficult to find any detail via parliament so I have resorted to researching via campaign groups.

Stating that a mere 8% of land in England is available to the public for open access is one of the numbers quoted. This equates to just over 4000 square miles, but that number doesn’t look quite so bad does it? It is unclear whether this number includes the 140,000 miles of footpaths. Additionally, there are 20,000 miles of bridleways and 16,000 miles of the National Cycle Network.

Incidentally, as a user of those rights of way mentioned above, I have yet to see any of them overflowing with traffic. This brings me nicely on to another aspect of this Bill. That of the impression ethnic minorities are more reluctant to visit the countryside as they feel unwelcome.

Ethnic Minorities

It is unclear to me why this should be? When I am using these rights of way, I see ethnic minority representation in approximately the same proportion as the ONS indicates they are represented in the population.

On Sunday 24th of April 2022 a wide variety of people demonstrated their Right to Roam at the Kinder of Colour event. They don’t appear to be concerned or restricted in any way.

Campaigners go on to say that the less well-funded are under-privileged in respect of their access to nature. They cite those with gardens as being privileged over those without gardens in the lockdown periods due to Coronavirus. Undoubtedly true, but it is unclear how greater access to the countryside would have alleviated that.


There is also an element of class and race divide at play, apparently, with such as National Trust land being only available to the middle and upper classes. It is unclear how the proposed amendment would address that. It is also stated that the majority of woodland is off-limits to the public to avoid disturbing pheasant that are imported, but are reared here for the shooting industry.

This statement seems to suggest that the practice would cease if woodlands were opened up.

The case of Scotland is cited, where, via the Scottish Right to Roam Act, the public are allowed to walk the verges of fields avoiding crops, machinery and livestock. However, as many of us know, irresponsible members of the public can, and do, cause a great deal of damage.

The campaigners want extensions to the Right to Roam applied to woodlands, downland, Green Belt, rivers and riverbanks but, as yet, do not appear to have published any detailed proposals. Until such time as they do I suspect it will be a ‘watch this space’ scenario.

On a more positive note

On a more positive note, this is a Presentation Bill, which means it is unlikely to lead to any immediate legislative changes. It does, however, draw MPs attention to the campaigners so it is well worth your time letting your MP know your thoughts and concerns well before any specific changes are debated. Personally, I am calling this Bill out as ideological symbolism proposing a solution for a non-existent problem.


The Right to Roam

Who Owns England, Guy Shrubsole

Footpath Map

Green World article, Nick Hayes and Guy Shrubsole

Your MP can be found via the directory below which provides their email address:

MP Directory

You can email this article to them using the following form:

    English Sporting Clay Shoot

    English Sporting Clay Shoot
    Ockbrook Gun Club

    A date for your diary – Sunday 24th July 2022!

    We are pleased to announce that Ockbrook Gun Club have kindly agreed to sponsor a guest English Sporting Clay shoot of 50 birds for £25 per person. It will be a fibre wad cartridge only shoot.

    Cartridges should preferably be purchased on-site but you can bring your own if necessary.

    Non-SC holders are permitted on this event if accompanied and supervised by an SC holder.

    Tea & Coffee is available on-site.

    Entries are on the day between 8:30am and 10am, entries close at 10am prompt.

    We would be grateful if you could visit our Facebook page to register interest so we can gain some idea of numbers attending. Many thanks.

    Details for Ockbrook can be found via the QR code below:

    Or here:

    Ockbrook Gun Club

    ‘Never slate a farmer with your mouth full!’

    We saw this online and thought it was worth sharing as there are some important messages in this excellent monologue. It explains why you should never slate a farmer with your mouth full! #BackBritishFarmers

    ‘So as we carry on farming through this difficult time, worrying about both our health and the economy here are some true words of wisdom. 

    – A teacher at school that said upon asking me what I would like to do career wise. I should “aim a little higher” than agriculture

    – Vegan activists who thought they would slander farmers, use false information and false facts. Then actively discourage people from buying local and supporting a farmer forcing their views on to other people

    – People that go around thieving after dark as they believe our tools and diesel are worth more than their dignity

    – Those too lazy to go to a bin so they throw their rubbish from their car window into the fields. We end up damaging our mowers/wasting our time picking it all up

    – Also those lazy people that decide to fly tip in the gate ways and drives. Thus preventing a farmer from entering his own land

    – Youths that decide to burn down straw stacks worth thousands of pounds after harvest “just for a laugh”

    – Angry car drivers that always swear at you AFTER you’ve pulled over for them. Plus the one who swears at you for absolutely no reason

    – Anyone who will condemn a farmer for using chemicals to look after his crop to make just enough of a profit to get by and also provide enough yield to feed the nation

    – Those who moan continuously about us working late in to the night to beat the rain

    – The few at school who looked down on our small minority and laughed at us when we went off to agricultural college

    – All too often people look you up and down because our shirts have holes in and more times than not are covered in grease and oil, looking like we’ve ploughed 100 acre by hand

    – Those “healthy eaters” who criticised potatoes to death and said how we should be eating pasta instead but who is now searching for a bag of potatoes from a farmer because there’s no more pasta left

    All of you, I really hope we farmers can be of service to you through this very difficult time, whether it be through supplying you with potatoes, onions, milk, meat, eggs, etc. You may not think much to us but unfortunately, we’re now all you’ve got.

    Never slate a farmer with your mouth full!

    Send this to a friend or colleague:

      An Update from The Packham 3 Fundraising Team

      It has been a while since we last gave an update on the Packham case. We have been very busy in the background with fundraising efforts and want to sincerely thank You who have already donated.

      The case has moved on considerably since we were last in touch with you. The Defences and Responses have been filed at court which are now available for the public to view.



      A very informative and revealing summary of the case has now been published which can be accessed on the main Crowd Justice site here in the case updates section ‘The Packham 3’ Defamation Defence Against Chris Packham ( 

      We hope now you have access to the detail of the case; you can see the strength of the defence’s case, the nature of the crowdfunding campaign that is at the heart of this case and the shameless arrogance he demonstrates, thinking he is somehow above the law and that all critics are ‘trolls’.

      This is the greatest opportunity the Countryside has had yet – of damaging Mr Packham and puncturing his anti-countryside campaigns. Mr Packham and his cohorts are one of the greatest threats to all sectors in the countryside, from farming, shooting, land ownership, conservation, and countryside pursuits. By taking Mr Packham out of the Countryside debate there will be a huge hole left in the anti-countryside campaigns. The Hunt Sabs, Animal Rights lobby and those promoting a vegan way of life in the UK will lose a big voice. Mr Packham’s BBC future and the future of his campaigns hang on this case. A win for the Packham 3 would put an end to his platform – he would stand accused of defrauding the British Public, which is a very serious allegation indeed.

      Mr Packham has the advantage to bring this case on a no fee no win basis through his lawyers Leigh Day. This is not surprising due to the revenue they are getting through the various cases Wild Justice have put their way.

      The Packham 3 don’t have that option, yet have been courageous enough to continue to step into the line of fire – to defend this case and not back down. Fully aware of the risk, they could stand to lose their homes as the costs could exceed a million pounds. They however genuinely believe they have told the truth and are willing to defend the truth of their claims.

      They have hired the very best defamation experts. A brilliant QC and solicitor – eye-wateringly expensive but brilliant all the same.

      We urge you now to please back this case – get to know the arguments and feel free to ask questions – and make sure we get this case fully funded prior to the case taking place which we think will be sometime at the beginning of 2023. The date is still to be confirmed.

      It is imperative people donate as soon as they can. The Lawyers have already done a considerable amount of work to date and are now asking for incremental payments leading up to the start of the case. They are a top team, and we feel very strongly that they are one of the best legal teams to defend the case. Here is the barrister Gervase De Wilde’s profile Gervase de Wilde > Chambers of Adrienne Page QC and Justin Rushbrooke QC > London > England | Lawyer Profile ( .

      There is an alternative payment option available to use. You can now make a payment directly to the Lawyers’ Client Account. This is a way we can get the full payment directly to the lawyers without having to pay the Crowd Funding Platform’s charges – this is especially important for the larger donations. If you would like to know more, please use the contact Contact – Countryside Fightback and all messages with be passed onto us.

      If you ride a horse (whether or not to hounds), farm livestock, show your livestock in agricultural shows, keep pigs or poultry, shoot in any capacity, go fly fishing, coarse or sea fishing, are dependent upon the wider rural community for your business or recreation, if you build drystone walls or lay hedgerows or plant trees, in fact if you undertake just about any form of management of the countryside, then this case is not just about tigers. It is about you too.’

      Thank you in advance for your continued support.

      The Packham 3 Fundraising Team

      ‘The Packham 3’ Defamation Defence Against Chris Packham (

      Ko-fi Crowdfunding

      A Statement by the Admin Team of Countryside Fightback Website

      There have been malicious attempts by Packham’s trolls, in particular one called Serenwyl Roberts from Rhymney in Wales, to pin Countryside Fightback on the Editor of Country Squire Magazine, Dom Wightman.

      Of course, this is a lie. It’s a strategic lie to imply that Mr Wightman is not following defamation law protocols, which of course he is.

      This blog is run by a team who are wholly independent of the Packham 3. Mr Wightman has never contributed to or been a part of the Countryside Fightback team.

      While we wish to remain anonymous so as not to have to deal with the plague of trolls and other ne’er-do-wells that pester the 3 defendants, we can confirm that the 3 defendants are nothing to do with our work.

      We contacted Dom Wightman and got this message back in response:

      “Sorry that you guys have been accused of being me and that the silly trolls have been on your backs. I wouldn’t worry. If Truth were a dartboard their darts would continually hit the wall. They are playing into our hands because they are demonstrating concerted harassment in fundraising. Just laugh at them. They are not even master baiters. No point responding to them or trying to illuminate them – trolls never see the light anyway. If they cause you any trouble, let me know and I’ll give you the email addresses for the police involved in investigating them.”

      We have also been informed by The Packham 3 Fundraising Team that there will be some interesting developments in the next few days as more details about the case are to be released. WATCH THIS SPACE

      We are all supporters of Mr Wightman and his colleagues as should be anyone with any sense. The fundraising links to help fund their legal team follow below:

      Crowd Justice


      Hunting With Dogs Bill in Scotland

      Today is the last day to submit your views on the Scottish Parliament’s proposed Hunting with Dogs Bill.

      Below is an article with a view point on the proposed bill from The Aldenham Press website. An interesting read indeed.

      The link below is where people can submit their views.

      Closing date for Submissions is Today 13th May by midnight.

      The Game for Restoration Competition Time !

      Only a couple days to go to enter this photo competition the CIC are running to promote Conservation work. What a great way to showcase the great efforts that UK Farmers and Land Custodians have been doing.

      CIC Wildlife Photo Prize Competition

      Go on and get your submissions in and best of luck to anybody who enters.

      ‘We are challenging you to take photos that showcase the restoration of wildlife species and their habitats, particularly activities and settings related to conservation through sustainable use, including hunting.’

      This could be depictions of work on the ground (e.g. restoration of nesting grounds, anti-poaching activities), the end result of conservation projects, or anything else you can come up with!

      The competition is open to all interested amateur and professional photographers. A selection of the best photos will be exhibited at the 68th CIC General Assembly in Riga, Latvia (9-12 June, 2022), where they will be submitted to an international jury.

      The jury will select the top 3 submissions (ranked 1st , 2nd and 3rd). The winning photographers, in addition to recognition, will receive a prize for their efforts. The winners will be announced during the Closing Session of the General Assembly on June 12th – winners will be informed at the latest one month after this date’